I am currently a full-time employed software developer with over 2 years experience. I studied Computer Science with Web Development at the University of Salford and achieved a first-class BSc/honours overall. I am extremely proud of this grade as it reflects my hard work and dedication whilst working on my university projects. Over the years of studying and working I have been building up both my technical skills and communication skills whilst working in many group projects one of which was teaching assistant work at University. I have a strong passion for learning new skills and I continually strive to improve them. I actively enjoy working in groups on large projects. My core values are centred around having strong work ethics, great learning skills as well as being kind, friendly and patient towards colleagues and for services to customers and consumers.
I am a very detail orientated person and I look to produce work to a high professional standard. I always attempt to put 100% into the work I produce and I am more than comfortable with time constraints such as deadlines or personal work gaps. I especially enjoy working as part of a team since it gives me a great sense of work ethic. I fully appreciate and am happy to take instructions and guidance from other members and am always wiling to try to provide help and support myself back to others if needed.
My current small teaching experience working as a TA was an extremely satisfying role and gave me a sense of purpose in helping others. Another extremely enjoyable experience was my volunteering work at Rochdale Digi Fest whereby members of the general public with limited technical knowledge would drop in for technical advice from myself and other members of my team.
Furthermore, my technical abilities include having experience in front-end web development with a major understanding of HTML5, CSS and plain JS as well as moving on with popular front-end frameworks such as Vue and React as well as backend php work with Laravel and Symfony. I also pride myself on my communication abilities and teamwork since I enjoy actively working alongside other members on project and I find satisfaction in helping and being helped by other members with difficult problems. Some of my modules and personal projects involved working with other members in an AGILE method so I feel I have some experience in the workflow of an average team however I am eager to learn more.
Many of my hobbies and interests centre around my enjoyment with friends & family. I love playing games and big social events that involve everybody coming together and enjoying themselves. Even though I would not classify myself as an extrovert, I still appreciate the social gathering times with colleagues and friends.
I enjoy actively watching and even participating in some game events online as in the right places I can be very competitive in the gaming sense. However, I choose to hold myself at a professional standard when working and actively try to engage with the content I am producing as well as communicating with the team I am working with.
Out of university and social events, my personal interests take me towards the gadget side of computer science. I have great interests in tinkering with computer hardware as well as functional hardware programming such as Ardruino boards and raspberry pis. I enjoy the challenging aspect of gadget programming and love making small devices and taking my skills outside my comfort zone. A recent example involved programming some LED's for a custom party light show that played in time with the music that was currently playing.
One experience that I would like to portray is my time taking part at Hack Manchester 2019. 3 other students and myself took part in the Co-op Hack Manchester 2019 Challenge to create a system that would encourage youth in our local area to do some good. The event was 48 hours of programming, sleep and food and I enjoyed it more than any other event. It was amazing with my friends at my side working throughout the night creating a hacky (but workable) solution to a problem with the hope of winning the challenge. Watch our interview on youtube
My team SaltSesh came up with the idea of a Pokemon GO styled game whereby people could be awarded points via an API system that could then be spent on game packs in the game and could collect "game cards" that could be used to battle and win against other players or NPC's. It was heavily inspired by collector card games and we thought it was an amazing idea to encourage youths to collect points by attending voluntary events, recycling points and more!
With our idea in hand, we set out to develop a Laravel API for points to be awarded to our users. This was one of my first times developing with Laravel and our more experienced teammate was extremely helpful in pointing us in the right direction. We went on to win the Co-op challenge over 13 other teams and was an amazing experience all around. I was deeply saddened to hear the end of Hack Manchester due to covid since I would love to participate in something similar in the future. Check out the Git repo!
I have ranged multiple different languages and skills that I have been looking at and practising and instead of listing traditional strengths and weaknesses I have decided to categorise them under comforts, familiarities and future plans. Some of these skills are not related to web development however they are important to include as they were acquired through other projects such as game development, mobile development etc and I would therefore consider these skills as part of my area. My base skills include being extremely comfortable with HTML and CSS for production-level development.
Out of all of the programming projects I have done over the course of a few years, these are the languages/skills that have really resonated with me. It has resulted in lots of personal and university practise and overall I would feel comfortable developing with these to a professional standard.
These are the languages/skills I feel generally familiar with as I have tried to build my ability with them at university or in my personal time with projects. I also feel confident in being able to learn more and build upon these languages myself even if I do not feel totally comfortable with them.
Future plans are the skills and languages I categorised as having had minimal time to practise with, I know of their importance and place in the world of web development but have yet had the time to learn more about them to begin to feel familiar. However, they are on my internal list as I still feel I want to try to become somewhat familiar with them in the future whether it be practising with a small personal project or thrown into a professional development experience.
This website was developed using TailwindCSS, Nuxt SSR/ Vue & Node/Express server middleware and since it is my own portfolio, I have tried to develop all the styling, design, animations and interactive components myself (for the challenge).
Currently, I am still tinkering with this website and some parts may still be broken, if you notice anything too awful to continue and feel like helping out, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me here.
I am still improving on my UI/UX design and layouts since I consider it my weakest part as a developer, however, I am actively engaging with learning materials online and at university to improve as much as possible.